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Our team

Nicolas Bureau, cofounder & director

Nicolas is a legal expert with a specialization in food policy. He has spearheaded several high-impact NGOs, working across environmental, alternative protein, and humanitarian sectors. As our world grapples with the necessity for innovative food systems, Nicolas is driven to effect positive change by championing the advancement of sustainable, nourishing, and groundbreaking food models.

Nathalie Rolland, cofounder

Nathalie collaborated with Dutch researcher Mark Post, known as the “father” of cultured meat, at Maastricht University. They jointly conducted a study on consumer reception towards cultured meat. Following this, Nathalie extended her research in the field of alternative proteins, participating in numerous projects spearheaded by INRAE and joining forces with ProVeg, a prominent German association.

Pauline Abela, policy officer

Pauline is a graduate of the College of Europe and specializes in public and European affairs. She has been in charge of public relations and institutional communication for several organizations working on alternative proteins or innovation. Particularly sensitive to the environment and the protection of biodiversity, she wishes to work for an ethical and responsible agricultural development model.